Andrew Dice Clay stopped by to discuss getting kicked off "Celebrity Apprentice" and congratulated Artie on the success of his book. Dice then claimed he appeared on "Celebrity Apprentice" for the exposure: "I know Trump. I used to do the Taj...I'm the nicest guy in the world - you know that...they call me and I've gotta drag my dick outta my girlfriend to get there...because of the huge viewership...I didn't think I'd win, but I thought I'd do real good."
Dice went on: "I'm not mad about what the show is, it's about what you didn't see." Dice said he saw the set-up coming, so he grabbed Mark Burnett, the producer, by the collar and told him not to f’ him over. Dice added that when Trump said he made a career out of demeaning women, he replied, "No, I made a career out of being funny" - but his response was cut out. George didn’t think Dice belonged on the show to begin with: "He's a dynamic, singular character. He had no business being there."
"She's like, 'This face cost $150,000.' And I'm like, 'Get your money back.'"
Dice said he recently did some gigs in Canada with Shuli and messed with him the entire time. Dice laughed that he convinced Shuli to do some sure-to-bomb material, sent other comics onstage in the middle of his set, and forced him to take the stage a second time after he finished his set. Shuli said he enjoyed the experience: "I felt like it was a test he was doing." Howard thought Dice was being mean ("You humiliated him.") but Dice claimed he was just trying to make sure Shuli "got" the Dice schtick.
Dice claimed he used to gamble big in Donald Trump's casinos ("There was one time I lost $700,000 three nights in a row.") but he hasn't gambled (or smoked) in eight years: "The minute you sit down to gamble, you're losing...you're just getting money for, really, nothing."
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