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If you had to pick one Wack-packer to leave the show who would you choose ?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Robin Q. has Cancer ?


Early in the show, Howard asked why Robin was unavailable yesterday, so Robin confessed: “You must have called the phone that was left in Pittsburgh. I was busy all day with testing.” Robin said the 13 centimeter growth was impeding her bladder, and regardless of today’s test results--will be removed: “You don’t wear the pee bag long. The whole idea is to get this resolved quickly.”
Doug Goodstein came in with a ruler to explain what 13 centimeters meant, holding his fingers apart to illustrate the mass’ circumference: “That’s like 5 inches-plus.” Howard moaned (“That’s bigger than my penis!”) that Robin’s medical emergency had soured his anticipation for the ‘AGT’ premiere: “I was actually annoyed with you yesterday for dampening my big day

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