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If you had to pick one Wack-packer to leave the show who would you choose ?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Howard kicked off The World’s Biggest Whore contest by introducing Beth, a 25-year-old woman who enjoyed the benefits of an open marriage. Beth said her husband understood her needs (“He’s not home very often.”), so she sought out company online--and in her husband’s rolodex: “There’s been a couple of his friends.” Beth said she had almost no standards for the men she sleeps with, and often has them over to her home after putting her children to bed.
Howard stopped her: “The kids go to sleep upstairs and perfect strangers come into the house? Wow. That is a big whore...what if the guy’s dangerous?” Beth shrugged: “I think about it but...” Beth said she her online profiles all specify that her partners must have a 6 or 7 inch penis--minimum. If they meet her requirements, she’s up for “anal, oral, whatever”, as many partners as possible (“There’s been 5 or 6 in one night.”) and shows all the evidence to her husband: “If there’s any [photographs] taken, yeah.”
The second contestant, Abby, said she was just 21 years-old: “I lost my virginity at 13 and started fooling around with order guys at 14-15.” A self-described nymphomaniac, she’s no racist: “I’ve had my fair share of black guys...I don’t discriminate.” She has a steady rotation of partners: “I have a call list. I have ten speed-dial numbers that will come at a whim.”
Abby said she can only remember the names of about “40 or 50” of her partners: “I love to give oral. I have absolutely no gag reflexes.” She’s had sex as many as 6 or 7 times a day, with as many as 3 or 4 guys at a time: “I’ve done an Eiffel Tower, which is anal [as] you’re bent over sucking the other guy.” For a while, she was attending a mechanic’s school: “I f’ed all but one guy in my class. I’m pretty sure he was gay.”
Just last night, Abby picked up two guys at a club and brought them back to her hotel room, after a stop off at The Hustler Club, and banged them both: “One didn’t know how to use his tongue and the other didn’t know how to use his fingers...there was, like, drool everywhere.”
The third contestant, Debbie, said she was just a teen when she first saw a woman giving head: “I knew [then] I was going to be focusing my life on giving head.” She’s since become addicted to the feel of penis on her tongue: “I love to put it in my mouth when it’s nice and soft and feel it grow.” She’s such a dedicated whore, she paid her own way to take part in today’s contest: “I just want the confirmation that I am the biggest whore. I’m proud of it...if you all want to give me a pint of cum, that’s better.”
Debbie confessed that she was dead serious about the addiction: “It’s an obsession. It’s definitely not a want. It’s a need.” If she hasn’t given head in a few hours, “I become a major bitch. People, their voices annoy me until I give head...I need to have it after a while because my head’s going to start hurting if I’m not sucking on something soon.”
Debbie pulled down her pants to reveal a tattoo of a penis with the word “Sugar” above it: “This is my trademark.” Sugar is her word for semen--she begged Howard for a jar’s worth: “Don’t waste it. That’s a sin to waste. Save it for me.” Asked if she’d ever considered taking payment for her services, Debbie shook her head: “If anything I should pay them. They’re giving me their sugar...if they want to use a condom that’s fine, but then I’ll drink the sugar out of the condom.”
King of All Blacks called in from his sweeper to let everyone know his pick for biggest whore: Debbie. King further explained that he was so moved by Debbie’s description of her love of giving head that he had to take care of business right there in his street sweeper. When King admitted to finishing in his pants, Debbie chastised him for wasting her sugar.
Howard then turned the contest over to his callers, and Debbie won the $10,000 prize with 47% of the vote: “Oh my gosh, I’d feel better if I had a load, but thank you.” Asked what she planned to do with the cash, Debbie shrugged that it meant little to her: “I’m going to have to see about buying some come.”
Monday, October 24, 2011
Andrea Miss Howard Stern
Andrea Miss Howard Stern |
Miss Howard Stern Andrea and her sister Brandi were on the show today, promoting a new swimwear line and is always a good guest, she is so out there. She talked about her two men in her life, one is a 50 year old tv producer and another one is a 80 year old man
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Buy Beths North.Shore.Animal league and get a calendar
HowardSternHoward Stern
2012 Animal League Calendar Featuring Beth Stern
Help Save Animals’ Lives!
It’s here...the Animal League 2012 Calendar!
Featuring Beth Stern with Adoptable Pets and Photos by Howard Stern
Each year, the Animal League rescues, nurtures and adopts nearly 20,000 dogs, cats, puppies and kittens into permanent and happy homes, and to commemorate each month of 2012, Beth and Howard Stern have generously donated their time and love in support of creating a one-of-a kind calendar showcasing the precious, healthy canines and felines that can be found in local shelters.
With each turn of the calendar page, animal lovers are welcomed by beautiful and colorful images of Beth and many adoptable and lovable Animal League Mutt-i-grees, photographed in a variety of unique settings by Howard.
Howard creatively captures the heart and soul of Beth and animal friends Carson, Cooper, Lucy, Griffin, Fiona, Nemo, Liza, Suzi, Ink, Miley, Magdelena, and Hope and her puppies in these gorgeous and striking photographs. Photos also include other members of the Stern family - Bulldog Bianca and her cat siblings Walter, Apple and Leon Bear, who were adopted from the Animal League.
These calendars make perfect holiday and birthday gifts, and each purchase will help the Animal League take one step closer to its next one million animals saved.
Calendars are priced at $19.95. Shipping and handling are included.
ORDER NOW - The first 1,000 will be a special limited edition calendar, signed by both Beth and Howard Stern.
Your purchase of this unique calendar will help save animals lives and benefit the advancement of the highest standards in animal welfare.
help out N.S.Animal league and get a calendar as well. Good xmas gift. I took the photos.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Human Centipede (2010) movie DVD Buy here ( howard Stern )
Equal parts Cronenbergian body horror, perverse fetish film, and E.C. Comics-style gross-out, The Human Centipede is Dutch director Tom Six's uniquely macabre endurance test for fans of modern fright fare. What's surprising about the picture isn't the premise--its story, about a madder-than-mad doctor (German actor Dieter Laser) who unites two American tourists (Ashley C. Williams and Ashlynn Yennie) and a Japanese counterpart (Akihiro Kitamura) in a hideous surgical procedure that creates the title monstrosity, was broadcast in detail across the Internet prior to its international theatrical screenings--but rather, the degree of reserve Six applies to depicting every excruciating detail. That's not to say that Human Centipede is a bloodless affair, but Six relies more on the physical endurance and talent of his actors to present the mortal terror of their predicament, which in turn offers a more terrifying experience for the viewer than anything dreamed up by a special effects team. The approach also makes up for some of the more crassly exploitive moments in the film, like the doctor's relentless abuse of his creation, which is largely clad only in filthy underwear, and Laser's occasional overacting, which at its most heated, suggests an unholy, highly medicated hybrid of Klaus Kinski, Lance Henriksen, and the late Howard Vernon's awful Dr. Orlof. Obviously, this is not for the casual horror fan, and most definitely not for the squeamish; more hard-core types should find their nerves thoroughly rattled by the time the film reaches its darker-than-dark conclusion. A final, disturbing note: the complete title is The Human Centipede (First Sequence); a planned sequel reportedly promises a 12-segment (gulp) creation. --Paul Gaita
The Human Centipede was fairly underwhelming. It wasn't terrible and it wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't this monstrously absurd and gory movie you may have expected from the concept and promotional materials. The concept itself was probably the most disturbing and interesting aspect of the movie. Imagining yourself in that situation was more horrific than anything that made it on-screen. It didn't even feel like people had enough time to fully process the first film before writer/director Tom Six began hyping the second film in a proposed trilogy. The sequel was then banned in the UK (before the ban was lifted recently) and censored in the US, which probably only piqued curiosity even further. Tom Six has gone on record as saying The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) will make the original seem like "My Little Pony" in comparison, which is probably true due to its graphic nature. Unfortunately the sequel has little else to offer.
So before I go into too much detail, the screener I saw was apparently an edited version of the film. Maybe that means this is the one that will be distributed theatrically in the US, but I do know that the barbed wire bit didn't make it into the film and the ending was slightly altered.
We're introduced to Martin (Laurence R. Harvey), a security guard who has a rabid obsession with the original Human Centipede film. He does nothing but watch the movie over and over again and even has a scrapbook devoted to it along with re-drawn diagrams from the movie to pull off the centipede. Martin isn't normal; he was sexually abused as a child, likes mutilating himself, and still lives with his mother. While on the job, he kidnaps people, ties them up, and stores them in an abandoned storage unit with the hopes of making his passion a reality; a twelve person human centipede.
The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is entirely black and white. It does make the film stand out in comparison to its predecessor, but it also changes the appearance of gore rather dramatically. Tom Six defended this film after being banned in the UK by calling it "make believe" and called it "art." The black and white aspect of the film certainly makes it feel more artistic, but that term will probably come into question after you witness some of the things that take place on screen. Martin is very off-putting. He's extremely overweight, greasy all the time, and just really creepy overall. He has this Jonah Hill meets Wayne Knight at their worst type of look to him. Every close up, every action, every time he licks his fingers, basically everything Martin does grosses you out. Martin also never speaks throughout the movie. He wheezes, cries, and throws tantrums, so he's not completely silent. But those of you expecting another Dr. Heiter will be sorely disappointed.
It's not like this version of the film didn't completely shy away from gruesomeness though. There's still plenty in here to get offended over or get excited about. The sandpaper bit did make it in there, but I have a feeling it was edited as well. The pregnant woman in the car scene is pretty revolting. I had to rewind it and watch it again to make sure I saw it right. We see Martin dismantle about half a dozen kneecaps by cutting open the sides and snipping their tendons, Martin takes a hammer and knocks out every tooth in a man's mouth before fishing them out, and that same man rips his stapled lips off another man's anus. Those are just a few examples.
Martin's mother was unintentionally hilarious. She mostly just seems bitter and old when the movie first starts, but her bad acting eventually makes itself known. She also has a scene with Martin at the dinner table which leads to their second encounter with their upstairs neighbor that is probably the best scene in the sequel even though it only lasts a few seconds and is kind of ridiculous. The twelve person centipede gets really disgusting though. Once Martin gives everyone a laxative shot, then you can probably see where that is going to lead and it gets all over the camera multiple times. The ending is pretty weak, too. Did you ever play Super Mario Bros 2? Well that's pretty much the ending you get here. Online reports say that there's actually more to the ending featuring more footage, but the version I saw was literally credits of the movie, Martin sitting in the camera room at work, Martin licking his fingers, an outside shot where we see Martin through a window, end film. There may have been a baby crying the background, I don't recall. But with that version of the ending, it's difficult to argue that it all wasn't just a dream.
I'm not going to tell you to not see The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence). If you enjoyed the first film or if your interest has heightened due to its hype, then curiosity will cause you to see this in some way or another. Hell, I'd at least like to know what was cut and I'd probably watch it again if I knew it was unrated, the director's cut, an alternate version, etc. But the sequel is a bit disappointing. Sure, the blood and graphic content of the sequel is increased tenfold but Martin isn't nearly as captivating as Dr. Heiter and everything just feels like it's for nothing by the time the ending rolls around. The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) just leaves you with bloody discharge on your face without much of anything to show for it. Demented, disgusting, and rather pointless, The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) is more than likely the extremely nauseating film you expected the first film to be.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Nick And Artie radio show

Nick and Artie Coming to a Radio Near You

You know Artie from his decade with the Howard Stern Show and Nick's successful stand up and radio career. This is the Fan's show. Nick and Artie will bring a whole new blend of sports, celebrity guests, pop culture and some of the funniest observational humor anywhere on the radio.
Listen to a short demo:
Robin's dirty office
Late in the show, Gary said Evan the Engineer had accidentally opened Robin’s office fridge: “He said it smells like a dead body in there.” As HowardTV cameras zoomed in for a closer look, Howard recoiled at the sight of the refrigerator's bottom: “It’s got green drink poured all over it!” Robin denied involvement, claiming most of the fridge’s contents were sent to her--she’d be happy to have it cleaned out: “I come in [and] there’s stuff there. I come in here to work. Not collect stuff.”
Under fire again for her messy office, Robin finally admitted (partial) fault: “My fault in this whole thing is that I don’t ask for help. You know, things are accumulating in the office. I don’t want them. I don’t know where they’re coming from. And I never ask anybody to do anything.” Robin said she used to take things home for Captain Dennis to sort, but the interns stopped bringing them down to her driver: “I don’t know what happened to that system...they were supposed to be giving it to Gene.”
Robin went on to say the room adjacent to her studio wasn’t really an office: “I don’t consider this an office. This is just where I work...I would prefer that [my mail] be sent home.” Gary proposed that Robin check in with Tracey once a month and sort through the big stuff--an arrangement Robin thought was appropriate--and noted that Robin had done at least a little personal cleaning after yesterday’s show: “I think Robin was a little ashamed. You took the blender didn’t you?” Robin admitted she had: “That needed to go anyway.”
Late in the show, Gary said Evan the Engineer had accidentally opened Robin’s office fridge: “He said it smells like a dead body in there.” As HowardTV cameras zoomed in for a closer look, Howard recoiled at the sight of the refrigerator's bottom: “It’s got green drink poured all over it!” Robin denied involvement, claiming most of the fridge’s contents were sent to her--she’d be happy to have it cleaned out: “I come in [and] there’s stuff there. I come in here to work. Not collect stuff.”
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Robin went on to say the room adjacent to her studio wasn’t really an office: “I don’t consider this an office. This is just where I work...I would prefer that [my mail] be sent home.” Gary proposed that Robin check in with Tracey once a month and sort through the big stuff--an arrangement Robin thought was appropriate--and noted that Robin had done at least a little personal cleaning after yesterday’s show: “I think Robin was a little ashamed. You took the blender didn’t you?” Robin admitted she had: “That needed to go anyway.”
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