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If you had to pick one Wack-packer to leave the show who would you choose ?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

86 The Cupcakes

LIFEBEAT SEVERS TIES WITH ARTIE Artie noted that the LifeBeat charity has refused to accept any of Crumbs' donations (all profits from Crumbs' Artie Lange Cupcake were earmarked for LifeBeat). Gary explained: when Artie hurled a variety of anti-gay epithets at High Pitch Mike during their recent on-air argument, he deeply offended the communities that LifeBeat seeks to help. Artie claimed he wouldn’t apologize for what he said to Mike, but he was sorry that LifeBeat wouldn't accept the money. Robin laughed that she was once the victim of similar circumstances: she got kicked off the board of a child abuse prevention charity after they caught wind of Howard's “It's Just Wrong” games. Gary laughed that they were particularly upset with the “It's Just Wrong” episodes that featured family members. Artie then read some of the copy he's supposed to use in the anti-”fag” PSA that George Takei got him to commit to – and complained that he was going to have a hard time making it believable.

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