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HOWARD STERN 'Wack Packer' Arrested For Threatening Coworker ... "YOU'RE A DEAD MOTHER F***ER"
Read more: Howard Stern's "Wack Pack" crew member High Pitch Eric was picked up by cops Friday for allegedly threatening to kill fellow Packer The Elephant Boy.
Sources tell us, Eric was arrested in Queens for threatening text messages to The Elephant Boy, including "You're a dead mother f***er I'll break your face and strangle you."
Eric was busted for aggravated harassment and held for about hour before getting out.
Eric tells us he became frustrated with The Elephant Boy after he continuously attacked him on Twitter. He says Elephant Boy made fun of his dead mom, disability benefits and has falsely tried to be his friend in the past.
Elephant Boy says he was only joking around, nothing he said to High Pitch was malicious.