Howard welcomed Shane, the first “Biggest Man Boobs” contestant, to the studio, and asked him how much he weighed. Shane said he was 6'2” 260lbs – and he's had the man boobs since as early as he could remember. Shane then disrobed, leading Artie to say, “I'm surprised you haven't killed
anyone yet.” Howard speculated that Shane was at least a C cup and demanded that he try on a bikini top – eventually fitting him with size large. Robin said the “bra top” made him look like a female body builder.
The second contestant, Geoffrey, came in and noted that he still had man boobs when he was “fit” in college, so it must be a genetic issue - even his father has man boobs. When Geoffrey took off his shirt, everyone agreed that his
boobs were much smaller than Shane's. Robin estimated Geoff's boobs were an A cup, and Howard agreed, speculating that Geoff didn't stand much of a chance against the “hefty” competition.
Howard laughed that he could see the man boobs of the third contestant, Gary, through his shirt. Gary said his motorcycle club (“Not gang. Club.”) knows about his problem (and appearance on today's show) and is very supportive. Gary added
that he was also supported by his third wife. Gary then took off his shirt, and Howard was blown away; “Those are massive titties. You're a D [cup]!” Gary then tried to squeeze into a C-cup bra-top, but he kept falling out.
Alex, the final contestant, came in and immediately noted he weighed over 300lbs and loved to eat ham, turkey and hot wings. Howard and Robin wondered if Alex was a virgin, so Alex claimed he'd only penetrated a vagina once – but not to completion. Excited to meet a real 40-year-old virgin, Howard
quizzed Alex on his life. Under questioning, Alex admitted that he was a “slow adult” and even liked to play with his man boobs in the mirror while he pleasured himself. Robin even asked Alex to add 2 and 7, but Alex could not.
Alex then took off his t-shirt, and Howard hit the floor with laughter; “We're gonna have to make this a two-part [HowardTV] special.” Undaunted, Alex tried to put on a bra-top and – like Gary before him – spilled over. Howard asked
Alex why he had a “handler” in the green room, so Alex's handler came in to explain that Alex needed help taking care of himself and “tends to, he's a diabetic.” Howard then told Alex he needed to be on the show everyday.